Things don't fall apart.
Things hold.
Lines connect in thin ways that last and last
and lives become generations
made out of pictures and words just kept.
L. Clifton
Today is the date I married my husband.
I guess that makes it an anniversary.
Milestone would be better fitting
Islam says it's to complete my deen
Some say it's for love have babies
all of the above perhaps?
I am now at the stage in my life when I can understand the difference between celebrating an anniversary, as opposed to celebrating marriage.
Yes, there is a difference. I have learned much.
Yes, things fall apart.
Things also become what we want and expect them to be.
Is my marriage where or what I thought it would be today?
Does an anniversary change any of that?
Things hold.
Lines connect in thin ways that last and last
and lives become generations
made out of pictures and words just kept.
L. Clifton

Today is the date I married my husband.
I guess that makes it an anniversary.
Milestone would be better fitting
Islam says it's to complete my deen
Some say it's for love have babies
all of the above perhaps?
I am now at the stage in my life when I can understand the difference between celebrating an anniversary, as opposed to celebrating marriage.
Yes, there is a difference. I have learned much.
Yes, things fall apart.
Things also become what we want and expect them to be.
Is my marriage where or what I thought it would be today?
Does an anniversary change any of that?