This is the first time I have shared 2 photos in a post :)
Eid came and went. I worked all day, and then tried to put together a decent party for the family.
I can say that I did better than decent..I did awesome. Unfortunately, not many pics to share, as we were already late into the evening.
The evening before the boy and I went out and gathered our "stuff".
We planned & worked hard into the night.
This was the highlight of his whole Ramadan...he really looked forward to making & breaking a pinata. Actually, no breaking needed.
Pull pinatas are pretty cool for really young kids. When all the candy dropped Z went CRAZZZYYY. I swear the girl almost passed out from was her first pinata - yay for firsts!
I think I will try to find the pic...
/at home - the boy decorated the pinata (up top)
/dad holding
/kids grabbing & pulling
Eid came and went. I worked all day, and then tried to put together a decent party for the family.

The evening before the boy and I went out and gathered our "stuff".
We planned & worked hard into the night.
This was the highlight of his whole Ramadan...he really looked forward to making & breaking a pinata. Actually, no breaking needed.
Pull pinatas are pretty cool for really young kids. When all the candy dropped Z went CRAZZZYYY. I swear the girl almost passed out from was her first pinata - yay for firsts!
I think I will try to find the pic...
/at home - the boy decorated the pinata (up top)
/dad holding
/kids grabbing & pulling